Device Usage
• Moon Area School District (MASD) student devices are issued solely for use during the school year. All students must return their devices at the end of each school year. Devices are checked for damage, reimaged, and repaired during the summer months to prepare for the new school year. The cost of repair or replacement of a device will be the responsibility of the parent/student in accordance with the below fee schedule and protection plan. When a student is assigned a MASD issued device, families are required to sign an Acceptable Use Agreement and this Device Usage Agreement. These must be signed prior to the device distribution.
• Families of K-8 students may elect to purchase a yearly protection plan from the district for $30. The plan covers, with a deductible, accidental damage or loss of device or peripheral. Read the MASD One-to-One Protection Plan for more information.
• For high school students, an annual MANDATORY fee of $50 will be assessed prior to receipt of a one-to-one device. This fee includes the district protection plan. This fee helps ensure that students will be provided a new device in their freshman year and when possible, keep that same device after graduation. Seniors who have paid all required fees for all four (4) years are eligible to keep a device upon graduation from MAHS. Students can donate their device back to MAHS if they do not intend to use it after high school.
Note: Middle school and elementary school students DO NOT get to keep their devices.
• Product failure is fully covered and is not the responsibility of the student and/or family. The Moon Area School District and its affiliates are the only authorized parties who can make such an assessment.
Without the Protection Plan, fees WILL be incurred for damage (accidental or intentional), theft, and loss.
• In order for a claim of theft to be “valid,” the student and/or family must produce a police report within seven (7) school days of the occurrence. After the investigation is closed, the person responsible for payment will be determined by the findings.
• When no part of the device can be produced (lost) or no theft report is submitted, the full cost of replacement will be the student's responsibility.
• Repair and replacement costs are the sole financial responsibility of the students and families. This includes, but is not limited to accidental or intentional damage, negligent damage, misuse, and misplacement (detailed above). Placing stickers on the device case, coloring with ink or marker, or carving on the device is considered misuse and a repair fee will be conveyed to the student.
• Students and parents will be held responsible for proper use and care of the device, as is the case with all District-issued materials. Students are required to utilize the school issued email address (i.e. for all communication with teachers and District employees. The use of Microsoft OneDrive will be required by students to store all files and user data as outlined in the District Acceptable Use Agreement. Please note all related District policies, procedures, and guidelines must be followed as well.
• MASD provides filtering of inappropriate websites/material while on campus. Although schools are not required to provide filters off campus, Moon Area School District will provide limited filtering of inappropriate websites/material off-campus. Furthermore, be aware that due to the unpredictable nature of internet service providers, the district's content filter may not be compatible, and therefore, incapable of filtering any or all content. Parents/Guardians must monitor their student's use of the device when off campus to ensure students do not adjust the device's settings and preferences or view inappropriate websites/material.
• Repairs to the device are to be made by authorized District personnel only. Repairs may be made at any time a school official deems them necessary for the proper operation of the computer. Financial responsibility for computer repairs will be determined in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. When a student device is being repaired, a "loaner device" may be available for temporary use. Students signing out a loaner device incur the same responsibility for the loaner as they would for their assigned device.
• Devices remain the property of MASD until graduation from MAHS. If a student should leave MAHS prior to graduation, their device must be returned to MAHS. Any paid fees will not be reimbursed, regardless of the time of year the student leaves.
Fee Schedule:
Full replacement cost for loss or theft of the computer (as defined in this agreement) will be paid by the student/family.
• Fees will be based on the repair cost of the damage to the device. Examples are: (not exhaustive list)
• If fees for repair are equal to a full replacement of the device, the full cost will be paid by the student/family and a new device will be distributed.
• Except for a manufacturer's defect, this agreement does not cover theft, loss, or damage (accidental or intentional) to the AC power adapter or any other District issued accessories. It only covers the computer itself. Damage, theft, or loss of these parts is the sole financial responsibility of the students and their families. We encourage that all families pay for the MASD Protection Plan.