Middle School Handbook
Mrs. Melissa Heasley, Principal
Mrs. Megan Geddes, Asst. Principal
Dr. Brian Pohland, Asst. Principal
Mr. Barry Balaski, Superintendent
Dr. Jason D’Alesio, Asst. Superintendent
8353 University Boulevard
Moon Township, PA 15108
Phone: 412-264-9440
Fax: 412-264-1271
Moon Area Middle School Handbook Information
- Title IX Statement
- Student Behavior and Accountability
- Attendance
- Advisor Base and Announcements
- Student Assistance
- Homework and Grading
- Extra-Curricular Activities
- Lost and Found
- Student Health
- Harassment
- Daily Schedules
Title IX Statement
Moon Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex and further prohibits discrimination in all education programs and activities operated by the District, including in its admission and employment practices as required by Title IX. Inquiries regarding the application of Title IX and its implementing regulations may be made to the Title IX Coordinator, or the Office of Civil Rights, or both.
The Title IX Coordinator is Jason D’Alesio. He may be contacted at:
8353 University Blvd
Moon Township, PA 15108
412-264-9440 x 1103
A copy of the Nondiscrimination Policy and Grievance Procedures may be found on BoardDocs, the District's publicly accessible website for policies.
Any information regarding conduct that may constitute sex discrimination under Title IX, as well as complaints of sex discrimination under Title IX may be reported to Dr. Jason D’Alesio, via the contact information provided above.
Student Behavior and Accountability
Three basic rules are meant to guide students each day at school.
- Be Safe
- Be Kind
- Own Your Actions
The cafeteria should be orderly. Students should contribute to a well-mannered, respectful environment. The cafeteria rules will be strictly enforced.
Students should:
- Arrive in the cafeteria on time.
- Maintain order in all food lines.
- Return to their original or assigned (if given) seat.
- Raise hand to gain permission to leave seat.
- Sit one person to a seat.
- Keep their feet under the table.
- Clean up items dropped on the floor or the table.
- Leave food or drinks in the cafeteria when departing.
- Request permission to use a hall pass.
- Touch only their food items.
- Remain seated and quiet during dismissal.
- Leave through assigned exits and hallways.
Café monitors have authority to maintain order and make reasonable requests for students to follow. Students who fail to abide by café rules will receive a warning and/or receive an assigned seat in the cafeteria. Outside privileges can be revoked. Repeat offenders will be sent to ISS for lunch losing the privilege of eating in the cafeteria.
DRESS CODE “Dress for Success”
A student’s appearance is a source of pride not only to the individual and his/her family, but to the school as well. General standards for student dress and appearance are cleanliness, neatness, and good taste.
It is recognized that each student’s mode of dress reflects personal style and individual preference and that right is respected.
Inappropriate dress and appearance will be judged in regard to the disruption of the school learning environment, as well as the health, safety, welfare, and rights of students and staff. If a student and/or parent/guardian are uncertain as to the appropriateness of clothing for school, they should check with the school principal before the clothing is worn to school. The principal/assistant principal will be the final judge in determining appropriateness of dress and appearance.
The following are examples of inappropriate dress:
- Clothing that is revealing, suggestive, immodest as determined by the principal(s), or that depicts obscene, vulgar, disturbing, distracting, or inappropriate terminology or images
- Examples of such dress include (but are not limited to): bare midriffs, halters/tube tops, tops that show undergarments, sheer/mesh clothing, muscle shirts, pajama bottoms, slippers, boxer shorts, gym shorts, articles of clothes with excessive holes, etc.
- Tops must have enough sleeve to cover the shoulder.
- Articles of clothing that are excessively tight
- Clothes that advertise, promote, or display alcohol, illegal drugs, or suggest, promote, or imply the use of alcohol or drugs
- Clothes which depict or suggest sexual content
- Clothes that advertise, promote, display, or imply the use of tobacco products
- Clothes that depict violent acts or weapons
- Clothes that depict bigotry, hatred, or discrimination
- Clothes that depict cults, gangs, or membership within or is held together with safety pins or has excessive holes
- Shorts, skirts, and dresses of an inappropriate length
- When a student is standing with their arms at their sides, skirts or shorts must extend to the fingertips.
- Hats, headbands, bandannas, sun-visors etc. are not to be worn in school.
- Outdoor clothing such as coats, jackets, gloves and sunglasses
- Jewelry, accessories, or adornments that pose a potential health/safety hazard; wallet chains, dog collars, heavy linked chains around neck, spiked and/or studded necklaces or bracelets that depict obscene, vulgar, disturbing, distracting, or otherwise inappropriate terminology or images
- Hairstyles and cosmetic use which are a distraction to the educational process
- Sagging clothing that shows undergarments
- Tennis shoes that convert into roller-skates
Discipline – Contact will be made with the parent/guardian. Students must change clothes. Lunch detention may be assigned.
Subsequent Offenses – A parent/guardian will be contacted. Students must change clothes and/or In School Suspension assignment.
When the fire bell rings or a lockdown/shelter in place drill is initiated, students will remain orderly and quiet and follow the instructions of their teacher. If a student is in the hall when the fire bell rings, he/she should walk quickly to the nearest exit. If a student is in the hall when a lockdown/shelter in place drill is initiated, he/she should move quickly to the nearest office or classroom.
In order to be excused from class or be in the hall, students must carry their classroom hall pass. Students are not permitted in the halls during class time without a hall pass. Students without a hall pass will be directed back to class.
Students are permitted to use backpacks for carrying books and items to and from school. Because of safety issues, backpacks are to remain in the student's locker during the school day.
Each student will be assigned a locker. The locker is school property and is provided to students for their use. If there is a need, any locker assigned to a student may be searched following the procedures in School Board Policy. Students are to use their assigned locker and school issued lock. Locker changes must be made by the office. It is the student's responsibility to keep his/her locker neat and clean. Students will be issued a lock by their advisor base teacher at the start of the school year. The lock is to be used and returned at the end of the school year. Locks are to be used on the locker throughout the school year. Students are not to give their combinations to any other student. If a student loses the lock, he or she will have to purchase a second lock from the Attendance Office. The cost of a replacement lock is $5.00.
There may be unannounced locker searches conducted throughout the school year by administrators or in partnership with the Moon Township Police Department. Narcotic trained search dogs will be brought into the middle school building if necessary, to search lockers. This is in accordance with the Moon Area School District Locker Search Policy.
Three minutes are provided for students to pass from one classroom to the next. Students are dismissed at the end of the class period under the direction of the classroom teacher. A bell will ring to signify the start of the period. Students are to move through the hallways in an orderly fashion using “indoor voices”.
Students are responsible for the proper care of school textbooks, Agenda Mates, library books, laptops, and other school property. Any money owed will result in the student’s final grade report being held until all debts are paid. Skyward will be unavailable. All unpaid debts will be considered “Senior Obligations” and must be paid in full prior to graduation.
Students may be taught by a substitute teacher at some time during the school year. Substitute teachers should receive courtesy and respect from all students. The same classroom rules and appropriate behavior apply. Poor behavior for a substitute teacher may result in higher level consequences.
School telephones are for school business and may be used by a student in special cases with adult permission. All calls made by students at an office phone must be logged stating who is being called and the reason for the call. Under no circumstances is a student permitted to call a parent/guardian to go home.
The nurse or office staff will make calls of this nature. There is to be no use of cell phones or similar devices during regular school hours without teacher or administrative approval.
Valuables or large sums of money should remain at home. If a student needs to bring a valuable item to school, he/she is responsible for it. The student should secure the item in the office when not in use. Mobile devices are to be powered down and locked in lockers each day from 7:40 a.m. until 2:40 p.m.
NOTE: Student misbehavior is reported using the Skyward Student Management System. Teacher and Team level warnings, lunch detentions, and referrals to the Principal are all documented on a student’s official record.
All adults in our building and on the school bus are charged to issue “reasonable requests” for students to comply with school rules. Students are expected to comply in accordance with PA State Code 12-2. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES.
Teachers or an administrator will notify parents/guardians of a detention and the reason for the detention so that additional details can be discussed.
The following are considered serious acts of misconduct and may result in both school discipline and criminal charges and are governed by specific school board policies: Vandalism, stealing, possession or use of dangerous weapons, firearms, explosive devices or lookalikes; use/possession/distribution of drugs/drug paraphernalia/alcohol, arson; threats of harm and/or violence, sexual, racial or ethnic harassment.
While under school jurisdiction, breaking any laws of the Township of Moon or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania may result in criminal proceedings.
Electronic devices include all handheld devices and school issued laptops. The school will not be responsible for electronic devices or items lost, damaged, or stolen.
Cell phones or mobile devices will NOT be used on school field trips in accordance with school district policy.
Cell phones will be powered off and secured in a locked locker from 7:40 a.m. until 2:40 p.m. daily. Mobile devices may only be used under the directive or supervision of a teacher or administrator.
The use of mobile devices on school property during school hours is restricted in accordance with Board Policy #250. Specific details of this Board Policy are available on the district website.
Discipline – Device will be confiscated, and parent/guardian must pick up the item at the school.
The Board finds that student conduct is closely related to learning. An effective educational program requires a safe and orderly school environment.
The Board has authority to establish fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory rules and regulations regarding the conduct and deportment of all students in the school district during the time they are subject to the supervision and direction of school authorities.
The Board has adopted a Code of Student Conduct to govern student behavior. The Code of Student Conduct consists of this policy and the following other policies:
- Policy 218.1 Weapons
- Policy 218.2 Terroristic Threats/Acts
- Policy 218.3 Aggravated Assault
- Policy 218.4 Drugs and Alcohol
- Policy 218.5 Student Misbehavior
- Policy 218.6 Smoking and Tobacco
- Policy 218.7 Student Behavior on School Vehicles
- Policy 218.8 Suspension and Expulsion
- Policy 218.9 Bullying/Cyberbullying
Each student must adhere to Board policies and the Code of Student Conduct governing school discipline. Students shall not be subject to disciplinary action because of race, gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or handicap/disability.
The Code of Student Conduct and other policies regarding student behavior and discipline apply when students are under the supervision of the school, while they are on school property, while present at school sponsored or regulated activities wherever occurring, and while traveling to or from school and school sponsored or regulated activities. In addition, the Code and other policies apply in each of the following circumstances:
- There is a nexus between the proximity or timing of the conduct in relation to the student's attendance at school or school sponsored activities.
- The student is a member of an extracurricular activity and has been notified that particular off-campus conduct could result in exclusion from such activities.[17][18]
- Student expression or conduct materially and substantially disrupts the operations of the school, or the administration reasonably anticipates that the expression or conduct is likely to materially and substantially disrupt the operations of the school.
- The conduct has a direct nexus to attendance at school or a school-sponsored activity, such as an agreement to complete a transaction outside of school that would violate the Code of Student Conduct.
- The conduct involves the theft or vandalism of school property.
Any student disciplined by a district employee shall have the right to notice of the infraction. When a violation of the Code of Student Conduct involves student expression, Policy 220 shall be followed. Suspensions and expulsions shall be carried out in accordance with Policy 218.8.
In the case of a student with a disability, including a student for whom an evaluation is pending, the district shall take all steps required to comply with state and federal laws and regulations, the procedures set forth in the memorandum of understanding with local law enforcement and Board policies.
Corporal Punishment
The Board prohibits the use of corporal punishment as a form of discipline for students in the district. Corporal punishment is the use of physical force such as hitting, spanking, or paddling intended to cause pain or fear for the purpose of student discipline.
Reasonable force may still be used by teachers and school authorities under any of the following circumstances: to quell a disturbance, to obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects, for the purpose of self-defense, and for the protection of persons or property.
Delegation of Responsibility
The Superintendent or designee may promulgate rules and regulations to implement Board policy governing student conduct.
The Superintendent or designee shall publish and distribute to all staff, students, and parents/guardians the rules for student behavior contained in the Code of Student Conduct and the sanctions that may be imposed for violations of those rules. A copy of the Code of Student Conduct shall be available in each school office and shall be printed in the student handbook and/or posted on the district website.
The building principal shall have the authority to assign discipline to students, subject to the policies, rules, and regulations of the district and to the student's due process right to notice, hearing, and appeal.
Teaching staff and other district employees responsible for students shall have the authority to take reasonable actions necessary to control the conduct of students in all situations and in all places where students are within the jurisdiction of this Board, and when such conduct interferes with the educational program of the schools or threatens the health and safety of others.
Referral to Law Enforcement and Reporting Requirements
For reporting purposes, the term incident shall mean an instance involving an act of violence; the possession of a weapon; the possession, use, or sale of a controlled substance or drug paraphernalia as defined in the Pennsylvania Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act; the possession, use, or sale of alcohol or tobacco; or conduct that constitutes an offense listed under the Safe Schools Act.
The Superintendent or designee shall immediately report required incidents and may report discretionary incidents committed by students on school property, at any school-sponsored activity or on a conveyance providing transportation to or from a school or school sponsored activity to the local police department that has jurisdiction over the school’s property, in accordance with state law and regulations, the procedures set forth in the memorandum of understanding with local law enforcement and Board policies.
The Superintendent or designee shall notify the parent/guardian of any student directly involved in an incident as a victim or suspect immediately, as soon as practicable. The Superintendent or designee shall inform the parent/guardian whether or not the local police department that has jurisdiction over the school property has been or may be notified of the incident.
The Superintendent or designee shall document attempts made to reach the parent/guardian.
In accordance with state law, the Superintendent shall annually, by July 31, report all new incidents to the Office for Safe Schools on the required form.
The Superintendent shall report to the Board the methods of discipline imposed by administrators and incidences of student misconduct, in the degree of specificity required by the Board.
Please Note: Students need to be aware that they may be restricted from certain privileges. These privileges may include, but are not limited to: team activities, school dances, school assemblies, field trips, and special year end activities.
The safety of our students is of vital importance to all of us. It is for this reason that some general rules of proper bus conduct have been established. These rules allow the driver to operate the bus safely and provide the students with a pleasant environment as they travel between their home and school.
Riding the school bus is a privilege and not a right. This privilege is contingent upon appropriate behavior. Students who exhibit inappropriate behavior will lose this privilege.
The following rules will be observed by all students riding a school bus:
- Students will ride their assigned bus.
- Students will be on time at their assigned bus stop.
- Students will stay off the roadway while waiting for their bus, and will respect property adjacent to the bus stop by not littering or engaging in any other destructive behavior.
- Students will wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before trying to enter or when leaving the bus.
- Students will stay in their seats on the bus.
- Students will not use profanity, offensive language, or gestures which intimidate, degrade, threaten, or harass another person, or which makes reference to ethnicity, body parts, sexual acts, etc.
- Students will not engage in conduct that may threaten their own safety or the safety of others on the bus. Such conduct may include, but is not limited to the following: wrestling, horseplay, pushing and shoving. In addition, students will keep all personal items (coats, backpacks, etc.) out of the bus aisle.
- Students will not hang their hands, arms, and heads outside the bus window. Students will stay seated inside the bus at all times while the bus is in motion.
- Students will not engage in conduct that may threaten the safety of a person outside the bus. Such conduct may include, but is not limited to, throwing objects from the bus windows or shouting from the window to someone outside of the bus.
- Students will not eat or drink on the bus.
- Students will not spit on the bus or out of the bus window or use rubber bands to injure others.
- Students will not tamper with, deface, or destroy the bus or equipment on the bus.
- Students will not carry snow or ice onto the bus or throw snowballs while waiting for the bus.
- Students may appropriately use personal devices with headphones on the bus. If a student uses this item during the school day without permission, it will be confiscated and kept in the office until a parent/guardian can retrieve it.
- Students will not ask the driver to stop at places other than their regular bus stop.
- Disciplinary actions can be at the discretion of the assistant principal.
Bus Monitors
Before and after school, the students should follow the directions and reasonable requests of the bus monitors.
Bus Drivers
The drivers have been instructed to report all violations to the building principal.
Bus Consequences
Misconduct may result in the loss of bus privileges. Video cameras are used to monitor students' bus behavior.
It is the intent of the Moon Area School District that all students attend school on a regular basis. Regular attendance is a prerequisite for educating children. Curricula are planned and courses taught as a progression of learning activities and ideas, with each day’s work building on work previously done. When children are absent, they miss one or more steps in the learning process.
Purpose: The Board recognizes that attendance is an important factor in educational success, and supports a comprehensive approach to identify and address attendance issues.
All teachers and principals shall assume responsibility for enforcing compulsory attendance laws in conformity with the School Laws of Pennsylvania and the regulations of the State Board of Education.
Required Attendance
Attendance shall be required of all students enrolled in the schools during the days and hours that the school is in session, except that a building principal may excuse a student for temporary absences when he/she receives satisfactory evidence of such mental, physical, or other urgent conditions which may reasonably cause the student’s absence.
A student shall be at an assigned location at the time appointed for the school day or class to begin or be recorded as tardy. Exceptions to this policy may be made by the building principal.
Attendance need not always be within the school facilities. A student will be considered to be in attendance if present at any place where school is in session by authority of the Board, or at the place where the student is receiving approved tutorial instruction or health care, or at the place where the student is engaged in an approved program and properly supervised work student or career education program, or at home where the student is receiving approved homebound instruction.
The Board shall consider each student assigned to a program of independent study to be in regular attendance for the program, provided that she/he is under the guidance of a staff member so assigned and reports to such staff member the place in which she/he is conducting study and regularly demonstrates progress toward the objectives of the course study.
Absence from School
A student is required by law to attend school on a regular basis until the age of seventeen. Parents/guardians are encouraged to call the Attendance Office as soon as possible when their child is absent. Upon return to school, a student is required to present a written excuse signed by a parent/guardian within THREE (3) days. Ten absences excused, unexcused or vacation requests are considered excessive. The time (days) allotted for make-up work will be the same as the time (days) as the lawful (excused) absence. Teachers reserve the right to allow for more time if the amount or depth of the assignment mandates.
Absence Actions
- 10 total absences – notification letter
- 15 total absences – Doctor notes ONLY for absence to be excused
- 20 total absences – retention conference and possible removal from school programs/functions
- 25 total absences – assignments may be graded but recorded as zeros in gradebook
A student must be in his/her ADVISOR BASE by 7:55 A.M. or shall be counted as tardy. Prompt arrival at school is expected of all students. Late arrival disrupts class and causes loss of instruction time.
If a student arrives late to school he/she should report directly to the Attendance Office. He/she will then be issued an "admittance to class pass". A written explanation of their child's tardiness is required for documentation. According to School Policy excessive tardiness contributes to truancy with documented discipline/attendance referral. Improved planning to be on time can eliminate unexcused tardies.
Early Dismissal
When a student needs to be dismissed early, he/she should bring a note from his/her parent/guardian to the ATTENDANCE OFFICE upon arrival to school. He/She will then be issued an early dismissal pass to give to the teacher at the designated time of dismissal.
PICK-UP FOR EARLY DISMISSALS: When a student has an early dismissal, the parent/guardian should come to the Attendance Office Window to sign out the student. The student will be waiting in the Attendance Office.
Due to state attendance laws, school board policy 204, and PA State Code 12-2, absence for family vacations during the school year is discouraged. When students are going on vacation, they need to come to the
Attendance Office for a vacation form at least two weeks in advance. This form is filled out by the parent/guardian and returned to the Attendance Office as soon as possible. We will then instruct the student on what other procedures need to be done. Non-approved vacation days will count toward the number of illegal absences and may result in truancy action.
Illegal Absences
It is an illegal (unexcused) absence when a student is not present for school without his/her parent's/guardian's consent or written excuse. After three days of unexcused absences, a legal notice will be served to the parents/guardians. Legal action under Pennsylvania’s Truancy laws are then addressed by the local magistrate.
- 3 unexcused – notification letter
- 6 unexcused – notification letter/School Attendance Improvement Conference (SAIC)
- 9 unexcused – referral to Student Assistance Program
- 12 unexcused – referral to magistrate
Custody Orders – Custody orders are maintained in the main office and must be updated each year.
In the morning when students arrive at school, they are to report to their Advisor Base. Monitors will be stationed to assist students and provide supervision. Students are to listen to the reasonable requests and directions given by the monitors.
If a student needs to see a teacher or report to a specific LAB before 7:40 a.m., he/she must have a signed pass from the teacher. Only those students are permitted in the hallways, classrooms, etc. before this time. For regular school arrival, It is recommended that parents not drop off their children before 7:40 a.m. as the doors do not open until then.
State law requires all students to take physical education in middle school. Students will wear red or black shorts and gray or white t-shirt for their P.E. clothes. To be excused from two classes for physical reasons, a student must bring a note signed by a parent/guardian. In order to be excused from more than two classes, the student’s physician must complete the Middle School P.E. “Can Do List, “ and the student must present the completed form to his or her P.E. teacher within one week of the injury. In addition, if the student is excused for more than nine weeks, an updated “Can Do List” must also be completed by the student’s physician. If the forms are not completed, the student’s grade will be affected.
Advisor Base and Announcements
Each student is assigned to an advisor base according to grade level or academic teams. Each teacher who serves as an advisor takes a personal interest in the student, assisting him/her in social and emotional development as well as intellectual growth. Advisor base will meet every morning and will include the daily announcements.
Video announcements will be aired during ADVISOR BASE. Every effort is made to avoid interruptions during class time.
Student Assistance
The middle school guidance department is available to students, parents, and teachers for the purpose of helping every student have a successful and rewarding year. Guidance counselors work with students in the classroom, in small group settings, and individually. Guidance services are structured to meet the many demanding, developmental needs of each student. Contact the guidance office for individual counseling, group counseling, conferences, consulting, conflict resolution, crisis intervention, scheduling and/or withdrawal from school.
The Moon Assistance Program for Students, a component of the Moon Area School District educational program, includes professional staff trained to recognize and assist students who exhibit a wide variety of behaviors which interfere with academic performance and social, emotional, and physical development. The primary focus of the program is to assess students whose behavior raises concern and to develop a plan for intervention and referral. Teachers, parents/guardians, administrators, and other students can refer students to this program.
Homeless Information
The term "homeless children and youths" means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and may include:
- children and youths who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; or are abandoned in hospitals; *
- children and youths who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings
- children and youths who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; and
- migratory children (as such term is defined in section 1309 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965) who qualify as homeless for the purposes of this subtitle because the children are living in circumstances described in clauses (i) through (iii).
Eligible Children and Youth have the following rights:
- Right to immediate school enrollment even when records not present
- Right to remain in the school of origin, if in the student’s best interest
- Right to receive transportation to and from the school of origin
- Right to receive support for academic success.
If you or someone in your family is experiencing homelessness, please contact Ashley Beeson, Director of Pupil Services at (412)264-9440 x1114.
Homework and Grading
Parents should contact their child’s teachers regarding any make-up work due to absences.
Honor Roll is reserved for the Upper House only. Each marking period Upper House honor roll is posted. The Q.P.A. categories on the honor roll are:
- 4.0 – Distinguished Honors
- 3.75-3.99 – High Honors
- 3.25-3.74 – Honors
A student who receives a D or F in any subject is excluded from the honor roll.
Distinguished Honors- Students who maintain a cumulative Q.P.A. of 4.00 for the first 3 marking periods of the school year.
High Honors- Students who made the Honor Roll for each of the first 3 marking periods of the school year and maintained a cumulative Q.P.A. of 3.75 to 3.99 for the first 3 marking periods. A student who received less than a “C” in any subject is excluded from the Honor Roll.
Honors- Students who made the Honor Roll for each of the first 3 marking periods of the school year and maintained a cumulative Q.P.A. of 3.25 to 3.74 for the first 3 marking periods. A student who received less than a “C ” in any subject is excluded from the Honor Roll.
President’s Award for Educational Excellence- Eighth grade students who have maintained a 3.5 Q.P.A. at the end of 7th Grade and at the end of the first semester in 8th grade and achieved in the 85th percentile or higher in mathematics or reading on their 7th grade standardized achievement test.
Progress reports and grade reporting will be available to parents/guardians through Skyward school software.
Report cards are posted every nine weeks through Skyward. Grades are visible on Skyward as they are entered into the gradebook.
Grading System
- A - Superior Achievement
- B - Above Average Achievement
- C - Average Achievement
- D - Below Average Achievement
- F - Failed, Unsatisfactory, No Credit Earned
- I - Work Incomplete, No Credit Earned
- P - Pass (This indicates final grade is based on effort.)
- M - Medical Excuse (Used for Physical Education Courses)
Point System and Grading Scale
A = 4.0 100-90% = A
B = 3.0 89-80% = B
C = 2.0 79-70% = C
D = 1.0 69-60% = D
F = 0.0 59-0% = F
- ES = Exceeds Standards = 95%
- MS = Meets Standards = 75-94%
- PS = Progressing Toward Standards = 60-74%
- SNM= Standards Not Met = 60% and below
The Board of Education of the Moon Area School District supports sound educational practices, which provide for the best continuous development of each individual student. The staff is expected to place students at the grade level best suited to students as related to academics, social and emotional needs. In general, the Board believes that students should progress through school from grade to grade with other students near their chronological age. However, some students may benefit from retention at a given grade level.
In the event that a student has demonstrated difficulty in achieving proficiency in his/her core subject areas, retention in a given grade should/will be considered according to the following guidelines:
Grade 5 S.B.P #215
School Board Policy will be followed.
Grade 6 S.B.P #215
School Board Policy is followed to meet School Board Purpose and Guidelines.
Grades 7-8 S.B.P #215
Middle school students who fail two (2) of the following subjects (English Language Arts, Reading, Math, Science or Social Studies, Writing for grade 8) for the academic year, are not eligible for promotion unless they re-take one (1) of the failures and successfully pass it in an approved summer school. These subjects must be retaken in the following sequence: English Language Arts and/or Math, Reading, Science, and/or Social Studies as recommended by the principal.
Middle school students who fail three (3) of the following subjects (English Language Arts, Reading, Math, Science or Social Studies, Writing for grade 8) for the academic year are not eligible for promotion unless they retake two (2) of the failures and successfully pass them in an approved summer school. These subjects must be retaken in the following sequence: English Language Arts and/or Math, Reading, Science, and/or Social Studies as recommended by the principal.
Middle school students who fail four (4) of the following subjects (English Language Arts, Reading, Math, Science or Social Studies, Writing for grade 8) for the academic year will be retained.
The requirements for the promotion of educationally handicapped students shall be set forth in the student’s individual education program. Completion of those specialized requirements shall qualify the student for promotion.
When a student begins to experience difficulty in achieving passing levels in the above core subjects in the middle school, the following may occur:
- Teachers’ school district phone numbers and email addresses are provided for parents via the middle school newsletter and/or District website in order to promote easy communication between parents/guardians and teachers.
- Middle school team teachers are assigned a daily team-planning period during which time they can be contacted via phone by parents/guardians or during which time team teachers can contact parents/guardians.
- Guidance counselors meet with students that may have received consistently poor grades.
- Report card grades are coded to reflect the reason for poor grades. Parents/guardians, staff, and students are encouraged to work collaboratively to address deficiencies.
- At the end of the third marking period, each student in danger of failing will receive a written notice of potential failure. This notice is mailed to the parents/guardians.
- At the end of the school year, guidance counselors contact parents/guardians by letter and follow up with a phone call about each student who is failing. Information regarding summer school or private tutoring is discussed/shared with parents/guardians.
Extra-Curricular Activities
There are fourteen sports teams available to seventh and eighth grade middle school students who wish to participate in interscholastic competition. The fourteen sports teams provide nine opportunities for girls and nine for boys. In Pennsylvania there are no interscholastic sports teams sponsored by school districts for fifth or sixth graders. Eligibility for a student's participation in sports is dependent upon maintaining a satisfactory academic standing.
To be eligible for interscholastic athletic competition/participation, a student must be passing at least four full-credit subjects, or the equivalent. Eligibility shall be cumulative from the beginning of a grading period, shall be reported on a weekly basis, and shall be filed with the Athletic Director and school office. In cases where a student’s cumulative work from the beginning of the grading period does not, as of any Monday, meet the standards provided, they shall be ineligible until the following Monday or until his/her cumulative work meets this standard. Also, in order to be eligible for interscholastic athletics, a student must have passed at least four full-credit subjects or the equivalent during the previous grading period.
Students are encouraged to attend school and district functions. These functions include sporting events, concerts, dances, etc. Some of these activities are held for specific grades and others are open to all middle school students. It is important to remember that all school and district policies and regulations are enforced at all district or school functions.
The purpose of the Student Council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare, the student council is the voice of the student body. They help share student ideas, interests, and concerns with the school wide community. Student Council members are expected to maintain passing grades and display exemplary behavior throughout the year.
Lost and Found
Student Health
Students who are not feeling well may request to go to the Health Office. The Health Office is staffed by a fulltime school nurse and health assistant. Students whose parents/guardians have completed the proper forms may receive daily dispensation of medication at the Health Office.
Students who are ill and need to go home during the school day, must have the nurse's assistance in making those arrangements. Students are not to contact home for parent pick-up due to illness without first consulting a teacher and/or school nurse.
Pennsylvania State Law mandates that no medication will be administered by the school nurse, or kept in the health room, without a written order from a doctor and a written parental/guardian consent. This includes prescription medicine as well as over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, Tylenol and allergy medications.
The physician's order and parental/guardian consent must accompany the medication when it is given to the nurse. The doctor's order needs to include the following: student's name, name of medication, dosage and time the medication is to be given.
It is the policy of the Moon Area School District that all employees, students, and others associated with the district should enjoy a working and learning environment free from all forms of discrimination, including sexual harassment. No employee, either male or female, should be subjected to unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures or conduct, either verbal or physical.
There is hereby established a policy strictly prohibiting all forms of sexual harassment in any work area, learning area, activity area or any other place under the permanent or temporary control of the school district, by or toward any administrative or professional staff member, full or part-time employee, contracted services employee, job applicant, visitor, student, coach, aide, vendors, volunteer, or third party of the Moon Area School District.
Sexual harassment in any work area, learning area, activity area or any other place under the permanent or temporary control of the school district will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment lowers morale and is damaging to the work environment; it also is illegal. Every effort shall be made to maintain a learning and working environment free from all forms of sexual harassment. Appropriate sanctions shall be applied against all proven offenders of this policy. Confidentiality of all parties shall be maintained, consistent with the district’s legal and investigative obligations.
The Board strives to provide a safe, positive working climate for its employees. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the district to maintain an employment environment in which harassment in any form is not tolerated.
The Board prohibits all forms of unlawful harassment of employees and third parties by all district students and staff members, contracted individuals, vendors, volunteers, and third parties in the schools. The Board encourages employees and third parties who have been harassed to promptly report such incidents to the designated administrators.
The Board directs that complaints of harassment shall be investigated promptly, and corrective action be taken when allegations are substantiated. Confidentiality of all parties shall be maintained, consistent with the district's legal and investigative obligations.
No reprisals nor retaliation shall occur as a result of good faith charges of harassment.
For purposes of this policy, harassment shall consist of verbal, written, graphic or physical conduct relating to an individual's race, color, national origin/ethnicity, sex, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or genetic information when such conduct:
- Is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it affects an individual's ability to perform job functions or creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive work environment.
- Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance.
- Otherwise adversely affects an individual's employment opportunities.
Harassment as defined can take the form of, but not limited to, derogatory remarks, jokes, demeaning comments or behavior, slurs, mimicking, name calling, graffiti, innuendo, gestures, physical contact, stalking, threatening, bullying, extorting, or the display or circulation of written materials or pictures. Harassment can take the form of the shunning of another employee.
Computer technology, such as email and web sites, can be a means for accomplishing harassing behavior. Such conduct, even if initiated outside of school, may be in violation of this policy if there is a valid nexus with the school and/or it disrupts the work environment.
Disciplinary measures will be in accordance with S.B.P #349
Daily Schedules
5th Grade Daily Schedule
- ADVISOR BASE 7:55 - 8:07
- BLOCK 1 8:10 - 10:22
- ENCORE/SIGNATURE 1 10:25 - 11:07
- LUNCH 11:10 - 11:40
- BLOCK 2A 11:43 - 1:10
- ENCORE/SIGNATURE 2 1:13 - 1:55
- BLOCK 2B 1:58 - 2:40
6th Grade Daily Schedule
- ADVISOR BASE 7:55 - 8:07
- BLOCK 1 8:10 – 9:37
- ENCORE/SIGNATURE 1 9:40 – 10:22
- LUNCH 10:25 - 10:55
- BLOCK 2 10:58 - 12:25
- ENCORE/SIGNATURE 2 12:28 - 1:10
- BLOCK 3 1:13 - 2:40
7th Grade Daily Schedule
- ADVISOR BASE 7:55 - 8:07
- PERIOD 1 8:10 – 8:52
- PERIOD 2/ENCORE 1 8:55 – 9:37
- PERIOD 3 9:40 – 10:22
- PERIOD 4 10:25 – 11:07
- PERIOD 5/SIGNATURE 11:10 – 11:52
- LUNCH 11:55 - 12:25
- PERIOD 6 12:28 - 1:10
- PERIOD 7 1:13 - 1:55
- PERIOD 8/ENCORE 2 1:58 - 2:40
8th Grade Daily Schedule
- ADVISOR BASE 7:55 - 8:07
- PERIOD 1/ENCORE 1 8:10 – 8:52
- PERIOD 2 8:55 – 9:37
- PERIOD 3 9:40 – 10:22
- PERIOD 4 10:25 – 11:07
- PERIOD 5/ENCORE 2 11:10 – 11:52
- PERIOD 6 11:55 - 12:37
- LUNCH 12:40 - 1:10
- PERIOD 7 1:13 - 1:55
- PERIOD 8/SIGNATURE 1:58 - 2:40