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Skyward is an online information portal that enables parents to access pertinent information about their child’s academic progress and general school information. 

It is a secure site that enables schools and teachers to post a wealth of information online without compromising privacy or security. You can be assured that private information about your child will only be accessible to you. It is imperative that you keep your screen name and password private. If you suspect that someone else may have become aware of your password, you may change it at any time.

New to Skyward?

Watch videos to learn all the great features of Skyward:

Accessing Skyward

Go Directly to Skyward

Having trouble? Use the "I forgot" link on the Skyward log in screen. 

Still having problems click here to open an MASD Help Desk ticket: Skyward Request for Assistance

Student Accounts

All students at the secondary level, middle and high school, should activate and use their Skyward account. The Student Account allows individuals access to posted grades giving them the ability to monitor their own progress, teacher announcements or assignments, course requests, senior project information and more.

Student Registration and Withdrawal

Families can register new students via Skyward. This includes kindergarten registration.

If you need to withdrawal your student, please complete the withdrawal form